Click here to return to the VHDL Reference Guide. (last edit: 24. september 2012)


A concurrent statement used to define the design hierarchy by making a copy of a lower level design entity within an architecture. In VHDL'93, a direct instantiation of an entity bypasses the component and configuration.


  InstanceLabel: [component] ComponentName
                                    [GenericMap] [PortMap];
  InstanceLabel: entity EntityName[(ArchitectureName)]
                                    [GenericMap] [PortMap];
  InstanceLabel: configuration ConfigurationName
                                    [GenericMap] [PortMap];


architecture-begin--end block-begin--end generate-begin--end


An entity, architecture or configuration must be compiled into a library before the corresponding instance can be compiled. However, an instance of a component can be compiled before the corresponding design entity has even been written.


EntityName (or ConfigurationName) usually takes the form of a selected name, because the identifier is not directly visible by default (see example).


  G1: NAND2 generic map (1.2 NS) port map (N1, N2, N3);
  G2: entity WORK.Counter(RTL) port map (Clk, Rst, Count);

See Also

Generic map, Port map, Component, Entity, Architecture, Configuration